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What not to do while facing an Interview.

I presume all of us, some or the other time might have faced an interview, although, the nature of the interview may vary depending upon the situation and capacity of the individuals. I too had undergone many interviews and I know exactly how it feels when you're going to face an interview.

With my experiences, I learned a thing or two about the interviews. These facts that I have learned so far about interviews, I don't claim them to be all the knowledge one needs to crack an interview, however, these certainly will help you brace yourself for the interviews effectively. In this article, I am not going to share some formulae or tricks for cracking the interview, rather something more important than that. by imbibing these habits you can certainly develop your attitude towards the interviews, and eventually, that's exactly what will be advantageous for you in the long run - your attitude towards the problems in life.

One must understand that an interview is not just the question-answer session. It is indeed, way beyond that. You must realize that the moment you enter the interviewer's cabin, your interview has already started. There are some practical facts that I suggest you all adhere to since this might as well help you a lot in easing yourself out before and during an interview.

Please try the following:

  1. Do not lose your calm: Although it's quite normal to get a little nervous before an interview, especially the first one, you should try not to get succumbed by the anxiety, however. Just recall the fact that the interviewer is also a human being and not a cannibal. The worst an interviewer can do to you is to ask a question and nothing more than that. Take a deep breath just before entering the cabin, trust me, this simple exercise helps you release all your anxiety and makes you feel relaxed. The more you are serene inside the more you look spontaneous outside, which leaves a good first impression on the interviewer.

  2. Do not consider it the last interview of your life: For some, every interview may be very important but at the same time, it is not the last interview. One must understand that there are many more interviews to come. Realizing this sole fact will help yourself ease off a little and take the interview without the fear of getting rejected. And hence, you'll be able to perform to the maximum of your potential.

  3. Do not scale yourself too high: On being asked to rate yourself on a scale of 10 or whatsoever, you should not rate yourself too high. Keep yourself just a little above average, like you can rate yourself at 6 on the scale of 10. This will certainly help you get some easy questions initially and as you answer them effectively, the interviewer themselves will raise the level of the questions giving you ample scope to show off your knowledge of the subject.

  4. Pay attention to the question being asked. Although you might have prepared well enough, still don't be over-confident. Try to listen and understand the question properly. Facing technical round of interviews might be tricky sometimes, so you've gotta pay full attention. Moreover, interrupting the interviewer to answer doesn't leave a good impression.

  5. Do not respond with a detailed answer until you're asked. Until and unless you are asked to answer in detail, keep your answer precise and just to the point. Although, you can always use examples to make your answers more effective, but again your examples should be very appropriate. Unnecessary details might make the interviewer annoyed and irritated.

  6. Stop acting smart and do not try to deviate the answer. Always remember, the person on the other side of the table is far more intelligent to be fooled by you. Try to answer only what has been asked of you instead of trying to deviate the discussion to some other favorable and relatively easier topic. It seems quite childish on your part to try to fool the interviewer because they know exactly what you are trying to do.

  7. Do not just puke the crammed answers. An interviewer while, asking any question, wants to know the level of your understanding of the topic and not what has been written in the books. So you must be able to present with some well-justified examples for your answer. A well-explained example clearly shows your understanding of the topic and your level of comfort while working with the concept.

  8. Do not try to make up answers if you don't know them. As far as technical interviews are concerned, it's not a wise idea to make up the answer that you don't know. Just admit it and ask the interviewer politely to move to next question. This shows your clarity of your answers and also discriminates between the answers you know and the answers you don't know. This might also work in your favor sometimes, making the interviewer give you the fair amount of chances to prove your potential.

I am sure that making the above points your habit can help you a great deal in shaping your career the way you desire.

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