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Taking Up My New Year Resolution

Before we proceed further, let me share a small incident with all of you that I experienced on the new year eve.

It was the last day of the year 2016 and whilst everybody was busy in making plans and strategies for the new year celebrations, I just like any other homesick person, was busy trifling in my room, wondering about my new year resolution at the same time. But wait what was my last year's resolution? and did I succeed in achieving that? To my utmost surprise, I couldn't even remember what was my resolution for the last year, let alone its accomplishment. I am quite sure that there must be many of you who might as well, had gone through the same situation as I did.

It seemed quite pitiful on my part to not even remember my own resolution which I might have picked in order to achieve in that year. I asked myself why did I even took any resolution in the first place which I had never thought of establishing, for which I had no plans, which I just wrote down in my goals book only to leave that book deserted under the piles of old newspapers. After a little contemplation, I realized that the resolution I took was never mine and that's the reason I never remembered that. It was very much influenced by others and just so I won't look like a dog among the wolves, just to keep myself in the rat race, just for the sake of taking a resolution, I took a resolution which was never mine. And I am pretty sure that I am not the only one to do that in this universe.

The whole point of the aforementioned story is that its absurd to take a resolution unless you are going to make real efforts to accomplish it (or at least remember it for the whole year). But yet again some of my friends might disagree with this having their own assertions. Of course, I can't impose my opinions and ideas on others, and nor do I intend to do so.

When I was brainstorming myself to get a lucrative resolution for the new year 2017 trying to make it before the first day of the year ends, as if I was going to incur a great loss due to exceeding the deadline, I could not come up with anything, I found myself running short of the thoughts. I won't hesitate to admit that I took that process as a 'liability' instead of 'responsibility', and that's where I was mistaking. When we took anything as a liability, it comes as a burden onto us. We really don't want to do that, but we are pursuing it under the influence of external factors and others, eventually most of us give up long before accomplishing what we had started.

Therefore it's quite imperative to take up your resolution responsibly or do not take it at all.

Apparently, if we take anything as responsibility, the urge and motivation to do that comes from inside ourselves and thus we are always able to accomplish our resolution. In such instances, we don't really need to be told every now and then that we have taken up a resolution and we have to accomplish that. The resolutions adopted responsibly have the greater chances of accomplishment than those considered as a liability.

As far as my this year's resolution is concerned, I am not going to take a big one for the whole year, I would rather focus more on adopting small and short-term resolutions which I could take up responsibly and hence accomplish them thereafter. I would like to extend the same suggestion to everybody out there. Moreover, don't make your resolution only for the sake of making it because at the end of the day it will only add to your despairs. I presume that all of us can imagine as clear as crystal that how would we feel when we fail to achieve our own resolution.

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