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Sense of Guilt

Having a sense of guilt is a very precious feeling, why?

Because it’s not so prevalent today, and what’s rare, is undeniably precious. Sense of guilt comes from one’s acknowledgement of their mistakes, exactly the reason, why this feeling is so rare today.

Some might argue that how could such a negative feeling, however rare it is, be so precious?

To answer this question, I would say that, had they observed this feeling in its entirety, they would have realized the strength and positivity of this feeling.

When you realize that you’ve done something wrong and you admit it to yourself or to anybody followed by a sense of guilt in your heart, you also feel the pain due to that wrong doing of yours. That’s when you’ve actually cleared yourself of whatever sin or mistake you’d committed. You are a lovely soul that’s why you felt that sense of guilt, which eventually helped you clear yourself of your misdeed.

This feeling keeps you grounded, and also help you keep your actions in check.

This is making you do all those good things, isn’t it a strong feeling and a positive energy? Indeed, it is.

Let me tell you a short story of this sense of guilt –

A really long time ago, there was this kingdom of fairies across the seven oceans. The fairy king had a daughter, the Princess Giselle, whose soul was as vibrant as her eyes, as kind as her heart, as unblemished as her wings, as exuberant as her golden hairs, and as graceful as a dove. She loved every kind in her kingdom and always helped them irrespective of their stature.

One fine day when she was taking a stroll in the garden, admiring the beauty of the various flowers, savoring the lovely aroma all around, she saw a transparent capsule kind of structure hanging down a twig. She went closer and realized a butterfly was trapped inside it. Instinctively, she picked a stick from the ground and busted the hanging cocoon, attempting to free the butterfly. As soon as she pricked the cocoon, a viscous liquid started oozing out of it and eventually the butterfly fell onto the ground almost lifeless. Princess was shocked to see that, she had realized that something was wrong with butterfly. Tears started welling in her eyes, she felt guilty for killing the butterfly. With tears spilling out of her eyes, she picked up the butterfly and took it to her Fairy Godmother. She narrated her the complete incident still weeping like a baby. The fairy Godmother kept looking at her calmly without reacting.

“But why are you crying, dear?” asked the Godmother.

Princes replied “Because I am responsible for this. This poor creature has been killed by me.”

“Did you intend to do that?” the Godmother asked her again. Princess replied in negative.

“Still you deems yourself responsible for this deed?” asked Godmother.

“Of course mother, I am the one.” replied Princess.

“Listen Giselle, probably you’re indirectly responsible for this, but now you have realized your mistake. This realization and confession of your misdeed clears your conscience of this sin.” Elucidated the Godmother trying to console her.

“But this mere realization cannot bring this butterfly back to life and that’s the fact which is killing me.” reasoned Princess.

Godmother smiled and said “Oh dear, you’re so innocent. The moment you had this sense of guilt in your heart, butterfly had started to recover and now it’s completely alive and ready to fly.” She pointed towards the butterfly who was stretching her newly grown wings now.

“How did this happen mother?” asked Princess with joy in her eyes instead of tears.

“I told you, it’s only because of the realization you had and the sense of guilt which you felt for doing a misdeed out of your innocence. The almighty saw the purity of your heart and perhaps that's why brought this creature back to life to strip you off your sin.” Replied the Godmother.

The princess smiled and went back home happily.

The moral of the story is, having a sense of guilt for something wrong that you’ve done can actually bring positivity in life.

But that doesn’t implies hanging onto the sense of guilt until eternity, that idea might backfire.

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