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See You Again!

Updated: Apr 25, 2021

That was her last day in the office, she had already resigned a month ago. Although, we were once friends, but I never see that coming. Since we were not on talking terms for about three or four months, due to a petty scuffle. All this while I never talked to her, neither did she.

She was running back and forth to all the departments to get the no dues certificate.

After completing all the exit formalities she came down to our bay, where she used to sit with us and work, to bid a final good bye. She talked to all of us for a while, told them all about where she was going. I was also there, listening quietly to everything she was telling them.

I finally mustered the courage to get off my seat and went to her.

“So, you leaving finally?” – I asked.

“Finally. I have to go.” – She replied with a smile, without showing any signs of agony or grudge.

I didn’t say anything but just smiled.

I immediately realized that, I had wasted last four months due to my ego. I could have been a better friend to her, had I not been engulfed by that agony and misunderstanding. I saw the last four months flashing by in front of my sight, in just a few seconds.

There was time when I wanted to talk to her, but didn’t just go to her due to that false sense of my self-esteem.

At times, when she was going through really tough times, she could have used some help from a good friend. I wasn’t there for her to vent her frustration out and speak her heart out to someone.

But the worst thing is I saw all that and still didn’t go to her to console her or to simply listen to her. Perhaps, I was afraid to approach her by then.

She picked her laptop bag and made a move towards the elevator lobby.

“I cannot end it like this. I’ve got to fix this.” I wondered and rushed towards the elevator lobby. Fortunately she was walking slowly so I managed to catch-up with her.

“Anne!” – I called her from behind. I wasn’t expecting but she stopped and turned around.

“Hey Hi.” I said.

“Hi Pete, what happened? Are you also heading downstairs?” she asked instinctively.

“Oh yes.” I replied “to see you off.” and followed her into the elevator.

“That’s really not necessary, Pete. I’ll go.” She said casually.

“No problem, I am fine.” I replied. “Let me go with you for the last time.” I mumbled.

“What?, What did you say?” she asked.

“Nothing. Just like that.” I dodged her question.

“Are you still mad at me?” I asked, walking out of the elevator.

“No Pete, why would I be mad at you.” She replied absolutely normally.

“We had that scuffle last time, and then you never spoke to me afterwards, until today. So I thought, you’re mad at me.” I explained.

“Did you speak to me afterwards?” she countered me.

“By the way, if you remember I tried calling you multiple times afterwards. But you didn’t answer any of my calls.” I defended myself.

“Pete, soon after that scuffle I’ve had some issues at my home. I wasn’t in the right state of mind to answer your phone calls. Therefore I refrained from picking up your calls.” She explained her situation to me. “By the way, if you remember I did come to your desk afterwards to talk things out, but you walked out on me.” she added further.

“Perhaps, because by then I had already made up my mind that I am not going to talk to you ever, since I assumed that you don’t want to talk to me when you didn’t answer my calls.” Said I. “But now I realized, it was all because of a misunderstanding.” I added further.

By then we had reached the Administration department, where she had to surrender her laptop and other assets of the company. She submitted her laptop while I waited outside for her to come back.

“So, don’t you have to go back to your workstation?” asked Anne.

“I think, I can afford to fetch a few minutes today. Besides, I’m done with my today’s tasks.” I replied.

“So, why today?” she asked me.

“I didn’t get that. Why today, means?” I asked perplexed.

“You didn’t talk to me for last few months, what made you talk to me today?” Anne elaborated her question.

“See Anne, we were best friends for a long enough time. Therefore I didn’t want to end this friendship on such a negative note, only because of a petty quarrel. So, the thought that I might never see you again, instilled in me the courage to let go of my ego, and talk things out.” I answered her.

“I didn’t want to carry any grudges. So that, if we ever come across each other in future, we would greet each other with smile instead of just ignoring.” I added further.

She listened to me patiently. I think I had succeeded in clearing the misunderstanding between us.

I walked her down to the main gate of the office as her friend, where her cab was already waiting for her.

“Time to part ways, Anne. I hope we are cool now.” I said.

“Of course, we are Pete.” She replied sliding into the cab.

For the last time, we shook hands and bade each other the final good bye.

“Bye Pete, take care.” Anne said.

“Yes, you too take care Anne. See you again.”

I side-stepped and watched her cab speeding away.

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