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School Stories - Foundation Stone Ceremony

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

All the students of the class stood up to wish the Vice Principal who had just barged in the classroom. Seeing her rushing in, Miss Sharma, the teacher present there also made way for her to step over the dais.

That must have been something significant, otherwise, the Vice Principal would not have bothered to visit the most notorious section of the class. Although, that was a co-educational school, however, that happened to be an all-boys section somehow. Apparently, that’s the factor that had earned that section the reputation of ‘most notorious’ one.

Vice Principal, a very sophisticated lady with an attitude, gracefully draped in a saree, standing with her head held high on the dais, gestured to students with her hands to sit down.

“I presume, that all of you must have already known by now that today is the foundation stone ceremony of the new branch of our school at Indirapuram.” She spoke as she started her message.

Everybody replied in unison “Yes Ma’am.”

“Very well then. So here’s the deal. I want that all our students attend that ceremony, since the Chairman of the Central Board of Education, Mr. Ganguly is the chief guest. And I believe that our students can definitely benefit from the words of wisdom that will be shared by the chief guest.” She added.

One of the students stood up in the middle of her message and asked – “But Ma’am, the site of the new branch is pretty far, how are we going to go there?”

“Good question.” She said with a tinge of sarcasm. The boy smiled thinking that he had impressed Vice Principal with his smartness.

“Now keep standing and don’t sit until I ask you to sit, because you would have got your answer already had you not interrupted me.” Said the Vice Principal sternly.

The boy felt embarrassed and kept standing with his head hanging down.

“And now for the answer to your question, all of you will be transported to the site of the new school by the school buses, and in the end, you’ll be dropped back in the school itself. However, those of you having their homes on the way back school or in the proximity of the new branch site can go directly to their homes from the event.” She concluded her message.

Instinctively, all the students started talking to each other out of sheer excitement about the idea of having to skip the classes that day.

“I am still standing here boys.” Vice Principal reminded them. “Ask me whatever questions you have, instead of talking among yourselves.” She commanded.

Rishi raised his hand and started to speak as she permitted him.

“What time are we going to leave Ma’am?” Rishi asked.

“Soon after this period, the captain of the class would rally you all towards the allotted bus.”

“But ma’am we haven’t been allotted any bus yet.” Said Rohan, the Captain of the class.

“Well, now you have one.” She said as she wrote the number ‘08’ on the blackboard.

“And the most important thing, for which I’ve especially come here. None of you would misbehave on the bus or at the venue. All of you will always abide by the instructions of the teachers and Prefects. I don’t want to hear any complaints afterward. Anybody found guilty of any misbehavior or mischief, would be suspended for a week and his parents would also be summoned in front of the Principal.” she said in a single breath.

Apparently, she was damn serious about her instructions.

After she left, none of the students could focus on the lecture due to excitement. They kept talking about the event only.

As soon as the bell of the period rang, everybody started packing their bags. Suddenly one of the students Andy asked Rohan.

“Hey Rohan, should we carry our bags too with us?”

“If and only if you're planning to go directly to your home after the event,” Rohan replied addressing the whole class.

Everybody was so excited that the backbenchers hopped out of the class from the rear door, and the others from the front door, and in no time they reached their allocated bus. There were other buses also being boarded by the students of the other classes.

Section – B's boys were still standing by the bus waiting for their teacher to come over and start boarding the bus. Just when Ashmit, Rohan’s best friend, saw Aakriti boarding the bus.

“Hey Rohan, see she is also going for the event!” Ashmit whispered in Rohan’s ear out of excitement.

“Of course, she is going. All the students are going Ashmit, what’s so special about that.” Replied Rohan quite calmly.

Perhaps Ashmit also realized that and tried to contain his excitement. “I guess you’re right, Rohan.” He mumbled.

“Brother, you should learn to control your emotions, otherwise someday you yourself will blow your cover,” Rohan explained to him.

“I can’t help it, Rohan. She is so lovely.” Replied Ashmit with a smile.

“Alright, let’s get going then. Bhardwaj sir is also coming over now.” Said Rohan pointing towards Mr. Bhardwaj, who was walking briskly towards their bus.

Ashmit had a huge crush on Aakriti for two years now, ever since she had joined the school.

Even at the venue, Ashmit found a suitable seat to sit so that Aakriti’s seat was clearly in his line of sight. For the whole event, he kept looking at Aakriti and intermittently talked to Rohan also.

“What do you think about Mr. Ganguly’s decision regarding the board examinations?” asked Rohan while on their way to board the bus after the event.

“What about board examinations?” asked Ashmit, perplexed by the question.

“You didn’t listen to him, did you?” replied Rohan in utter disbelief.

“Was he talking anything significant?” asked Ashmit carelessly.

“He is the chairman of the Central Board of Education. What do you think was he speaking about there, some rubbish? Of course, it was important Ashmit.” Said Rohan, a little irritated this time.

“Alright, Rohan. I am sorry, I admit that I didn’t listen to him properly.” Ashmit apologized to Rohan.

“I know Ashmit, what you were busy with all the time.” Said Rohan with a smile.

“Of course, you know it. That’s why we are the best friends.” Concluded Ashmit cheerfully while still walking down to their bus in the parking area.

Ashmit started looking for Aakriti alongside the school bus which she had come by, but he couldn’t locate her.

“Where has she gone Rohan?” he asked Rohan quite inquisitive.

“There she is, with her younger sister, talking to the teacher in charge.” Replied Rohan by simply looking in the direction of Aakriti.

“It looks like she is seeking her permission for something.” Said Ashmit still trying to concentrate hard on their conversation to make some more sense out of it but to no avail.

“Brother, we need to figure out what did she ask about from the teacher. Something doesn’t seem right. She is not boarding the bus and she’s also brought her bag with her.” Said Ashmit anxiously.

“How could we know that unless we ask the teacher or herself, which is not possible.” Replied Rohan.

Both of them paused for a while.

“Alright, let’s ask the teacher then.” Said Ashmit with excitement. He, presumably, had conceived a plan.

“No way Ashmit, we cannot ask her directly. How would you justify that to her?” replied Rohan, a little worried.

“You just trust me and come along. Let me show you how it’s done.” Replied Ashmit quite confidently. Rohan had no other option but to follow him.

“Excuse me, Ma’am, could you please allow us also?” Ashmit asked very politely to the teacher.

“But why? Do you guys also have your houses nearby?” The teacher countered him.

Ashmit took a short pause and then replied - "Yes Ma'am."

"We have our houses nearby." He added further and looked at Rohan, signaling him to agree with him.

Rohan looked at him surprisingly but cleverly played along to not ruin the operation.

“Yes ma’am, we have our houses in a society just at a ten minutes walking distance.” He affirmed Ashmit’s statement.

“Very well then. You guys can go, but just don’t forget to intimate your supervising teacher before you leave.” Said the teacher and got busy with other students.

Both of them turned around hastily and rushed to find Aakriti.

“But Ashmit, how did you know that what Aakriti asked the teacher for?” asked Rohan absolutely surprised.

“I didn’t, Rohan. I just asked her the permission for the same reason as Aakriti.” Replied Ashmit and started laughing playfully at his smartness.

“Ok let’s go now before it gets too late.” Added Ashmit and rushed into the same direction as Aakriti.

She was walking out of the gate with her younger sister. Both the boys also followed them but maintaining a considerable distance so that Aakriti or her sister could not notice them.

By that time, they were already on the road. That was the coldest time of the year but the sun was shining bright and it felt even more pleasant to Ashmit since he was consistently smiling and had his eyes locked at her.

Apparently, Ashmit’s smile was infectious, because Rohan, who was walking right behind him, was also smiling consistently.

Meanwhile, Aakriti and her sister turned left around the corner and disappeared from Ashmit and Rohan’s line of sight.

Reflexively, both of them rushed to the left turn to catch her sight again. But just as they turned left, they were taken aback, because now they had a straight empty road in front of them to follow Aakriti, and if she turned around, they would be caught following her.

Both of them started walking cautiously alongside the walls of the buildings on the roadside.

“If she turned around, brother, we will be busted.” Said Rohan.

“Don’t worry Rohan, she won’t turn around.” Replied Ashmit trying to remain positive.

Rohan just nodded his head in agreement and kept walking.

After about a couple of minutes, Aakriti took a halt but before she could turn around, Rohan and Ashmit postered themselves against the wall of the building just beside them, trying to camouflage themselves in the shadow of the building.

Aakriti turned around a bit, pulled her bag down from her shoulders, and brought the water bottle out of it to drink some water. Soon after, she started walking again.

“That was a close one.” Said Rohan sighing deeply. “What if she had seen us?” he asked.

“No chance. Didn’t you see? She didn’t even look towards us.” replied Ashmit.

“I hope you’re right.” Replied Rohan.

In a short while, Aakriti and her sister entered inside the gate of a society and eventually in the third building from the gate.

“Ok, that’s probably where she lives.” Said Ashmit and sighed deeply with a smile.

“Now what?” asked Rohan. “I hope you’re not planning on following her into her home also?” speculated Rohan.

“No Rohan, not yet.” Replied Ashmit with a smile. “Let’s go back now.” He added.

“How are we going to go now, all the buses of the school might have already left now.” Asked Rohan realizing that they have no conveyance to go home now.

“Let’s walk back home then.” Replied Ashmit with laughter.

“I knew, it’s going to happen.” Replied Rohan disappointed but started walking back on the road with his best friend.

The next morning just after the assembly when all the students were moving back into their respective classes from the assembly ground, Aakriti came to both of them.

Ashmit saw her first, approaching them.

“Rohan, why is she coming towards us?” asked Ashmit anxiously.

Rohan looked towards her and panicked a little.

“No way, brother. She might have caught us following her yesterday, that’s why she is coming to us.” Replied Rohan utterly panicked.

Before the two could make any move, she was already standing in front of them.

“Hey Ashmit, how did the two of you come back home yesterday from the event?” asked Aakriti.

“But, why are you asking this?” asked Rohan, literally stammering out of stress.

“Nothing, just like that. Actually, I overheard Mr. Bhardwaj who was asking those boys out there the same question about both of you.” Replied Aakriti casually.

“Ohh! see, Rohan, sir was asking that. Okay.” Replied Ashmit assuring Rohan with a smile.

“So, how did you guys come back home?” Aakriti reiterated the question.

“Actually, Aakriti we had somehow missed our school bus yesterday, therefore, we came back home by city bus.” Replied Ashmit. “Isn’t it Rohan?” he sought Rohan’s approval.

“Oh yes, exactly,” Rohan affirmed his statement.

“Really!! Are you sure?” said Aakriti with surprise.

“Yes, of course. Why do you doubt it?” asked Ashmit.

“Oh no, I don’t doubt you. Supposedly, my mind is playing games with me. I thought I saw you guys walking down the road yesterday back to your homes.” Replied Aakriti quite casually on the pretext of completely shunning the idea of what she’d just said.

Ashmit and Rohan were both taken aback to hear that.

“But that’s insane. Why would you want to walk all that distance down to your home? That’s crazy guys, what am I even thinking. Forget it, let's get back to our classes now.” She added further and turned around to walk away.

Rohan and Ashmit looked at each other open-mouthed by her statement.

Aakriti sped away as she tried to suppress her blushy smile.

The End.

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