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Purpose of Life.

Updated: Aug 9, 2020

“Everyone has been sent on this planet for a reason and has a predefined purpose to their lives.”

I kept telling it to myself for so many years, to reinstate my belief in this philosophy. I needed this, presumably, because I couldn’t understand and identify the purpose of my life which made me feel guilty and irresponsible.

I got worried, rather scared, whenever I failed to see the purpose of my very existence and it wasn’t a one-time event, I experienced it so many times in my life.

There were times when I would feel low and started doubting the existence of my being on this planet.

Supposedly, many of you have already understood the extent of negativity and insecurities which I was going through.

I believed that a good job with handsome salary would solve all my problems and I’ll be a happier person. But it turned out that lending a good job and being well off didn’t help me much to escape my miseries.

But I believe that I am not alone in this. Most of you must concur with this fact and might have gone through such phases in your life at one point or the other. This is inevitable.

I tried a lot to overcome that and hence, developed a negative mindset which was full of insecurity and inferiority.

I was sick of looking outward for all those answers, thus I turned inwards and peeped inside my own self.

I introspected and found that whatever happened thus far with me, had some reason for that. When I looked back, all those things and events, which I once thought was very vague and absurd and useless, suddenly started to make sense. They were placed perfectly in that time line and space.

This gave me a converged insight into a very small part of the process of life.

It was never I who was seeking the purpose of my life, rather, it was always the ‘purpose’ who had sought me.

It was never about me and therefore I should not be worried about finding my purpose for life because it has always been there and whatever is happening with me, is leading me to the accomplishment of that greater purpose, which I generally, am not cognizant of.

The ‘purpose’ of my life was already set even before I’d taken birth. Had this not been for this ‘purpose’, I would never have born in the first place.

The realization of this very fact relieved me and put me out of my misery, which was caused due to that sense of guilt for being oblivious of my purpose for life.

Subsequently, I developed a positive mindset and belief that whatever is happening around, is temporary and is just a part of a bigger process, which helped me to cop with anxiety of future and depression due to past events.

I'd learned to let go of things and forgive others for all their wrongdoings to me, because in the end it is never between me and the other people, it is always between me and my purpose of life.

As a result, I’d started focusing and living in the present and striving towards a happier and content lifestyle.

P.S. The best and the worst part is, being humans, we are not able to foresee that greater purpose of our life. Only after we have fulfilled it, we will be able to identify it. 

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