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Celebrate the Failures

It’s important to fail at times.

So, if you’ve failed at something, then you’ve all the reasons to cherish that failure instead of being despondent. Because when you fail, you learn something extra, which is, what not to do next time. Therefore, the more you fail, the more you’ll learn.

Had you succeeded in first attempt, you would never have learnt what NOT to do. Although, it’s nothing bad to be succeeded in single attempt. However, you’ll not learn as comprehensively as you could have with failures.

You need to understand that failure is a part of the process and as soon as you admit it, you’ll no longer lament it. It’s quite naïve to believe that any process can be completed without going through all of its phases and both failure and success are different phases of the process which one should go through to achieve their goals.

This realization will help you understand that failures are not the end and thus will prevent you from giving up and succumbing to the aftereffects of any failure.

Consequently, you’ll emerge out as a stronger human being, revived and ready once again to pursue your goals with full force without any traits of fear or insecurity in your mind.

At the end of the day, you’ll be a wise and peaceful soul.

P.S: Success doesn’t teach you anything but failures do, success is just an ego booster. Therefore, one should start celebrating failures quite so often than success.

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